Andrew Taylor has worked in and across different forms of drama, documentary, commercials and animation. His work has ranged from directing feature length 3-D animations of Xena Warrior Princess to a dramatised documentary about the legendary figure of Daisy Bates (Kabbarli, 2002). Taylor has directed national TV advertisements for mobile phones (Nokia), as well as commissions for ABC Arts, the National Portrait Gallery and ACMI (Australian Centre of the Moving Image).
Taylor’s film work has won awards and been screened at prestigious festivals both locally and abroad including Melbourne, Edinburgh, Saõ Paulo, Oberhausen and Vladivostok film festivals. His film Siberia was selected as part of H’ors Piste, a internationally curated screening event at the Pompidou Centre (Paris).
Taylor’s photo-essay films, Siberia (2008) and First Person Kodachrome (2014) are made from partially animated still images and reflect Taylor’s exploration of hybrid still / moving forms – work occupying a space between cinematography and photography. Another work in this vein is ‘The Past is Foreign Country’ (2021), a series of nine photo books, each one reading like a short poetic film without a soundtrack.
Prior to establishing AGT Projects, Taylor taught Screen Production in the Media Arts Program at UTS. He was awarded a Doctor of Creative Arts Degree (DCA) in 2012 and is currently an Adjunct Fellow in the Media Arts Program at UTS.